CUNA News Article – Marquis Sponsored: CRM Is Your Common Bond

Credit unions were created to serve a common bond—not for profit, but for service. The common bond has now shifted from a shared work or education experience into a broader relationship with members and communities. The mission of people helping people remains unchanged but how it is realized has evolved.

Check out the CUNA News Article sponsored by Marquis as Ryan Housefield, SVP, Sales Executive, explains how member circumstances are unique and require personalized service.

Click here to read the full article.

CUNA News Podcast – Marquis Sponsored: Integrating Data to Deepen Member Relationships

Check out the latest CUNA News Podcast sponsored by Marquis as Dr. Tony Rizzo, Chief Marketing and Creative Officer, and Ryan Housefield, Senior Vice President of Sales, describe how credit unions that use data on the front lines can provide the engagement tools employees need to drive sales and decision-making while improving the bottom line.

Click here to listen to the podcast.