Increasing Response and Engagement
with Direct Mail and Email



Increasing Response and Engagement
with Direct Mail and Email


Increasing Response and Engagement
with Direct Mail and Email


Abri Credit Union | Romeoville, IL | Assets: $400 million
ExecuTrax ● OnTrax ● CRM ● Demographics Plus ● Business Insights

Abri Credit Union | Romeoville, IL | Assets: $400 million
ExecuTrax ● OnTrax ● CRM ● Demographics Plus ● Business Insights

ABRI Credit Union

Romeoville, IL

Assets: $400 million

  • ExecuTrax
  • OnTrax
  • CRM
  • Demographics Plus
  • Business Insights

[Before] Marquis, our onboarding efforts were in a marketing silo… [Now], we can unite our data under one umbrella, and staff can now see our outreach and other marketing efforts [from all channels] to feel confident in speaking to our members.

Kim Nichols
SVP Member Experience
Abri Credit Union



Onboarding Direct Mail Response


Onboarding Email Response


Direct Mail New Balances


Email New Balances

When Abri Credit Union partnered with Marquis in 2019, they ran single-channel email campaigns. While the results were promising, their Marquis strategist knew Abri could improve overall response rate, engagement, and ROI by adding an additional outbound channel. In this case, direct mail was suggested. But would the ongoing investment in direct mail generate increased engagement and balances for the increased marketing investment?

Abri increases automation and tracking capabilities.
Abri partnered with Marquis to automate and target their marketing efforts. At that time, Abri was not tracking results from their email campaigns, which is essential when planning future campaigns, improving current campaigns, and reporting results to executive management. With the addition of ExecuTrax (MCIF System) and OnTrax (dedicated Strategist), Abri could target, track, and report results confidently. However, their Marquis strategist knew there was still more opportunity for improved growth with direct mail.

Abri introduces direct mail to its marketing mix with positive results.
From Marquis’ peer data analysis and continuous tracking of responses, they understand a combination of direct mail and email increases response rates and balances. Abri, at the advice of their strategist, added direct mail to their Onboarding, Reboarding, and Multi-Product programs. All three campaigns experienced lift in responses and balances with the addition of direct mail. Today, Abri engages its members both in the inbox and mailbox.

In every instance, the addition of direct mail delivered Abri’s desired results.

Campaigns with DM & EM Abri’s Average Response Rate Abri’s New Balances Generated
Overall Programs 9.03% $11.8M
Onboarding Triggers 16.51% $2.4M
Invitation to Apply Programs 2.17% $552k

All response data in place creates a win for marketing.
While we at Marquis take for granted the power of a combined database that consolidates household and response data in one place (it’s what we do every day), we are always delighted to see the effort pay off in results for our clients.

More power with Marquis.
Abri utilizes an array of Marquis solutions to increase engagement across the institution. This includes ExecuTrax (our MCIF program), CallTrax (our CRM platform), OnTrax (our tech-enabled strategy team), DocuMatix (our digital suite of products), direct mail, TriggerPro (our marketing automation solution), and our interactive analytical modules. All of these services start with a single source of data truth. Disparate data, including the core (FiServ) and credit cards (PSCU), are enhanced with demographic and psychographic data, providing Abri tremendous insight into member behavior.